Monday 28 July 2014

A New Family Member

I have a cheese plant!

It gets to hang out with our holy bookcase, and make oxygen and happiness. It is green and shiny (has been dusted since this photo was taken), and has funky air roots, and sometimes drips on unsuspecting house guests, and the leaves do this funky thing where they start out whole and then get holes and slits in. And I am very easily entertained. I am going to go so overboard when Christmas comes around and I can decorate the cheese plant.

It comes with the name "Single Leaf Cheese Plant", which I am going to keep. Yet another inanimate object duly christened. On which note - I think all your postcards must have got lost in the mail and you should try again.

This beauty is a gift from some very green-fingered friends. I only hope I can keep it alive. I am not cut out for this much responsibility, but I will try. If I remember to water it with more regularity than I write this thing then it stands half a chance.

This has come in to my life (and L's life, but she wandered off to the other side of the world, so she'll just have to live with the consequences of leaving me unsupervised) at this time for a reason. It's been nominally ours, but still living in safer surroundings for a little while, but I decided to be bold and take the plunge. This is all because my parents are coming to stay* and I still feel the need to convince them that I am a fully-functioning, coping-with-everything adult. I can be responsible for myself, and still have enough responsibility to spare to choose to bring living things in to my life. Is what this cheese plant says. Look, it's not dead yet, therefore I must be so on top of things that I can remember to care for another living organism.

I am such a fraud. Today I wore matching socks and felt really proud of it. Last week I spent the first 10 minutes of my working day wearing sunglasses in the office until someone mentioned it. I nearly had a toddleresque tantrum at Church because my new favourite minister was on holiday again**.

What I am trying to say is that I might need some external support with keeping this new living thing alive. You guys need to set up a rota or something so that once every week or two someone phones me up and checks on the cheese plant. Please?

Oh, and please don't mention any of these things to my parents!

I leave you with a picture of me, with the Tiny Squirrel (who has gone adventuring to far flung places) at a ceilidh in a castle. For no particular reason, except that I can.

*They're coming to stay because we're having a Festival, with French people. You should all go to our website and buy tickets and then come to all our events. 'Cos they'll be awesome.

**For someone who only works one day a week... 

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